the melody extinct

the melody extinct
and here i am
searching for
sound under the
remains of echo
subtly resting if
not nagging like
dust upon my heart’s
surface… unmoved,
untouched, barely
used, an organ
whose tireless
pounding behind rib
cages, never once
heard before… still
i strain. i shall
unmake the noise, and
unravel silence from
your core, restore
the truth from where
glances concealed
you far too deep
from my eyes

lasso you close

walk-ins flank the halls and the
rhythm-less tiles dull footsteps
even further making you, suddenly,
inaudible to my senses; you approach
without sound, startling me and
feeling, at once, stripped down
and unprepared, as though disrobed
of everything but my own vocal chords…
i’ve never felt so vulnerable sharing
with you these narrow spaces; and you
paused a moment to glance, if at
nothing, listened to the song already
coursing through me, as we pass its
chorus, “i love, i love madly,” wound
in a loop to lasso you close to me


i wish it were your heart

to decipher

distant hieroglyphs disinterred

from tombs of ordinary days,

weeks and months—

to wake you from dormancy;

the stillness of winter should

hear relief in spring,

her cacacophony inside each

rose blooms and utters

ooohs and aaahs beyond their

morning whispers; i listen

for your heartbeat in the air

and translate them into rhythm

whose sound will make sense

of doubt, strengthen what

intuition to enlighten these

solitary nights, this cavern

of my own loneliness